Disney lawsuit could ripple through Corporate America
Disney lawsuit could ripple through Corporate America
One should always remember that nothing in the world can strictly be called "mine". What comes to a person comes to him because of a combination of causes and conditions; it can be kept by him only temporarily and, therefore, he must not use it selfishly or for unworthy purposes.
The best way for a ruler to reign over his country is first of all to rule himself.If an important minister of state neglects his duties, works for his own profit or accepts bribes, it will cause a rapid decay of public morals. People will cheat one another, a strong man will attack a weaker one, a noble will mistreat a commoner or a wealthy man will take advantage of the poor, and there will be no justice for anyone; mischief will abound and troubles will multiply.
Under such circumstances, faithful ministers will retire from public service, wise men will keep silent from fear of complications, and only flatterers will hold government positions, and they will use their political power to enrich themselves with no thought for the suffering of the people.
Under such conditions the power of the government becomes ineffective and its righteous policies fall into ruins.
Such unjust officials are the thieves of people's happiness, yet are worse than thieves because they defraud both ruler and people and are the cause of the nation's troubles. The king should root out such ministers and punish them.
The Teaching of Buddha
Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai press, Tokyo